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151 подписчик

Double-Exposure Animal Portraits By Norwegian Photographer

ndreas Lie, a visual artist based in Bergen Norway, has found a beautiful way to blur the boundary between the beautiful Norwegian wilderness surrounding him and the wild animals that call it home. His photos, done in his signature double-exposure style, create a subtle gradient that turns these wild beasts’ feathers and fur into images of their habitats.

It’s easy to imagine that the city of Bergen, where he lives, has had an influence on his art – this coastal Norwegian city, nestled among the fjords of the Hordaland district, is surrounded by 7 forested mountains that both locals and visitors love to hike.

Lie sells photo prints and other objects with his artwork on Society 6, so check out his online shop and his Facebook for more stunning photos!

More info: Facebook | Tumblr | Instagram | Society6 (h/t: thisisnthappiness)


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