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Momo The Dog Is Hiding In These Pictures. Can You Find Him?

If you're a fan of a) dogs, b) beautiful pictures and/or c) 'Where's Wally?', then this is the photo series for you!

Momo the border collie belongs to photographer/designer/illustrator Andrew Knapp. Knapp has created a book - 'Find Momo' - devoted to pictures of his dog in action. And by 'in action' we mean: 'playing hide-and-seek'.

Momo has developed many adoring fans, with lots of them trying to convince Andrew Knapp to bring him to areas of the U.S (SPOILER: Take a look in the bushes just to the left of center frame)

Collected by photographer Andrew Knapp, the book features his border collie Momo, who loves to hide in unusual places and have his picture taken (SPOILER: Check the bush in the bottom right corner of the fence)

Unlike the conventional cluttered mess of red and white stripes, Andrew Knapp's work is serene and spare, with seemingly nothing in the scene to hide behind (SPOILER: Momo peaks out from behind the tree third from the right)

Knapp, 31, has been carting Momo around his native Ontario, Canada, for almost two years now, building an extensive collection of visual puzzles (SPOILER: Just behind the bumper, Momo hides under the fence)

In the new book Momo hiding everywhere from Grand Central Station, to the White House, the French Quarter of New Orleans and lesser known venues (SPOILER: He's hiding just between the bench and left edge of the frame)

Knapp hopes this new batch of pics is his most challenging (SPOILER: Momo's head can be seen rising from the street just under the window on the left)

Knapp, 31, has been carting Momo around his native Ontario, Canada, for almost two years now, building an extensive collection of visual puzzles (SPOILER: Momo is just above the piece of machinery dead center)

Some of the pictures are a lot tougher than others (SPOILER: Find Momo just behind the back bumper of this orange truck)

Momo follows his owner Andrew everywhere, meeting people along the way (SPOILER: Momo stands out against the tiny bit of blue in front of the walking man)

The images are reminiscent of Where's Waldo?, a popular series of books in which readers have to pin point the title character who is among a busy crowd. (SPOILER: Here we can see Momo's head in the center-right of frame with his ears and nose popping above the snow and stone)

For this collection, the pair took a road trip coast-to-coast across Canada, driving from New England to the South to the Pacific North West, then all the way across back to Sudbury (SPOILER: Momo is tucked behind the second pillar from far left) 

The series of pictures is based on the 'Find Momo' Instagram account (SPOILER: Momo is just to the right of the middle piece of black debris on the ground)

The series was created by Martin Handford for Walker Books in the 1980s and has been translated into around 30 different languages (SPOILER: Look for Momo at the base of the tree in the front of the shot on the right)


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